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[ACC2011]Albert J. Sinusas博士谈分子核医学成像系统MicroSPECT应用前景

编辑:AlbertJ.Sinusas 时间:2011/3/29 16:07:18  关键字:Albert J. Sinusas 分子核医学成像系统 MicroSPECT MicroPET 

    <International Circulation>:When considering the future of imaging in cardiology, what direction are we heading in, in your experience?


    Dr Sinusas: We are moving towards individualized medicine rather than population medicine and that requires imaging approaches that identify unique features of a patient. They may be imaging, they may be biomarkers or genetic screening that would dictate different therapies for different patients. I think the future, at least for the nuclear field, rests with targeted molecular imaging where one is going to identify particular molecular events in a given patient that would probably precede any manifestation of gross disease. You will be able to identify the disease early and initiate therapy before it is too late.


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